Monday, March 30, 2015

Post Test 7th Grade Mesopotamia Work

7th Grade SS students, when you are finished with your Unit 3 Vocabulary Quiz, copy and paste the link below into a new tab to further learn about the development of Mesopotamia.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Week of March 23rd

Can you believe we are almost to Spring Break? -Wow!

7th Grade Students are currently studying Era 2. They are learning about the development and growth of civilizations. Comparing and contrasting Mesopotamia and Egyptian civilizations.

6th Grade Students are studying population trends and interpreting population pyramids (with a focus on answering the essential question: why does the age of a population matter?)

Each class will take a vocabulary quiz prior to Spring Break

Friday, March 13, 2015

Week of St. Patrick's

Hope you have a wonderful and lucky St. Patrick's Day! March 17th is probably the only day you will hear this Wolverine say, "Go Green!"

6th Grade SS students will be studying population data and trends.

7th Grade SS students will be studying and comparing primary documents from Era 2 (Early Civilizations)

Friday, March 6, 2015

6th Grade Unit 2 Review

Read over and study the Unit 2 Vocabulary and Big Ideas.

Be able answer the following questions or complete the require tasks:

Identify major hemispheres.

Label all continents and oceans.

You need to pick a natural feature on Earth that you learned about. Then, you need to explain the following in a paragraph:
1. Name the feature and describe it. (1st sentence)
2. Name one challenge that the natural feature presents humans. (2nd sentence)
3. Explain the challenge that the feature presents humans. (3rd sentence)
4. Name the opportunity that the natural feature presents humans. (4th sentence)
5. Explain the opportunity that the natural feature presents humans.

Define natural hazards and natural disasters.

Explain how/why natural hazards turn into a disaster.

Describe ways to lessen the effects of a natural disaster.

Label the climate zones correctly on a map.

Differentiate between lines of latitude and longitude and describe what they are used for.

Identify the major dividing lines on a globe (ex. Equator, Prime Meridian…)

Define natural processes and explain what they can be related to.

Define region and explain what regions can be based on or criteria that is used to create them.

Define geographic inquiry.

Name the major map projection types and identify the types of distortion each presents.

Be able to match maps to their correct image (i.e. political, physical, etc…)

Explain which countries are more susceptible to natural disasters (developed or developing) and why?

Identify the major natural hazards we studied

Monday, March 2, 2015

Beginning of March

Parents and Students,

Welcome to March,and hopefully the end to a long sub-artic winter. Also, comes the end of the 2nd trimester this Friday the 6th. That means just over one third of the school year left.

6th graders are finishing their Unit 2 work and should test at the week's end.

7th graders are learning about the importance of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and the establishment of the world's first civilization in Mesopotamia.