Friday, December 16, 2011

Merry Christmas

I hope all my students and their families have the opportunity to enjoy this holiday season. I am blessed to have all of you in class and I am looking forward to a great refreshing break.

Merry Christmas to you All!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

SS and LA Posting

Here is a free opportunity for students in my Social Studies and Language Arts classes. Any student, who independently or with the help of a parent, discovers and reads this blog, will be given a free late homework pass. All that needs to be done is for the student to print off this page and submit it to me before Christmas vacation. This will allow me to give the student their free reward and monitor how many students/parents are using this on a weekly basis.

Happy Holidays.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Civics/Constitution Online Investigation Day 2

Day #2: Individual Constitution Investigation and Quizzes

During class time, students are only allowed on the listed sites below. Failure to follow this instruction will result in a zero score, loss of computer use and an after-school detention.

Please keep in mind, ALL Interactive Civic Sites are valuable in gathering knowledge about our government for today's class, our unit test review and the future.

Step One: Take time to tour this online and interactive resource .

Step Two: Read Sections from the Preamble through Amendments 11-27. After each section, take the online quiz found under the quiz menu tab. Good luck and aim for a perfect score on each quiz!

Step Three: Explore these valuable online Constitution resources.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Online Civics Investigation

Students and Parents, this posting is for Thursday's online civics investigation. Students should follow the steps outlined to complete the assigned classwork. This will also serve as a valuable review for our Constitution/Civics Test.

Interactive Online Civics Investigation
Day One. Investigation and Challenge

Students are only allowed on the listed sites below. Failure to follow this instruction will result in a zero score, loss of computer use and an after-school detention.

Read 3 Branches of Our Government (Found at site below):

Challenge 1: Compete against the computer or the person next to you. Record scores on the challenge 1 records sheet when finished.

Challenge 2: Access the following
Log onto the first link and then open another tab for the second and 3rd links to find the answers needed.

Challenge 3: Try to get all these Constitution Questions answered correctly:

Any extra time…..explore freely here! Or any of the other sites used today.

Students should make sure to answer the assigned classwork as they travel through this online investigation. The completed work needs to be turned in at the end of the hour.

Also!!!!!! If students have their own headphones, please bring those to class tomorrow, Friday, Dec. 9th. Students will be able to listen to some of the planned online investigation for Friday.

Monday, December 5, 2011

LA Plans for Week of 12-5

Monday: DOL and Persuasive Writing Notes. Hwk: study 4 quiz
Tuesday: DOL. Persuasive Writing Notes. Quiz rescheduled for Wed.(quiz from Monday's notes) Hw. study 4 quiz
Wednesday: Dear Santa Letter
Thursday: Graphic organizer/ establish position for persuasive writing.
Friday: Position, Thesis statement, 3 Arguments for persuasive paper. Hwk: Rough draft of persuasive essay due Monday.

SS Plans for Week of 12-5

Monday: Students are reviewing for Chapter 8 Test. HWk. Study 4 Test
Tuesday: Chapter 8 Test
Wednesday: Introduction to Chapter 9 The US Constitution Hwk. Vocab due Thurs.
Thursday and Friday: Online Constitution Investigation

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Social Studies Federalists Vs. Anti-Federalists Investigation

This posting is for instruction and investigation of the debate over the Federalist and Anti-Federalist views. This lesson is being presented in class on Wed. Nov. 30th.

Students should copy and paste the following link into a new tab to research and gather information about the Federalist and Anti-Federalists positions.

Use this and other noted resources to complete the assigned sheet (also posted/copied on blog under assingments & links)

Students should watch the short youtube video at the conclusion of reading the article.

In regards to the portion of the assignment which asks students to copy a favorite quote from some of our "founding fathers", students must copy the following link in a new tab:

Students may also need/want to open the following link in a new tab to further research the designated topic:

If time permits, students are welcome to view the following on YouTube:

I hope you enjoy and benefit from this online learning opportunity.

Feel free to use the follow link to complete your double bubble:

Sunday, November 27, 2011

LA Plans for Week Of Nov. 28th

MON - Word Study #8 - Complete sentences and chart. Take Persuasive Writing Notes

TUES - Super Sentences - Listen to Susan B. Anthony's persuasive speech. Fill in Frayer Model.

WED - Test Word Study #8 Quiz persuasive writing notes

THURS - Begin planning for Persuasive Speech

FRI - Work on rough drafts for persuasive speech.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thanksgiving Week

This is a shortened week for the students. They only have class on Monday and Tuesday.

LA Monday: Go over and grade Giver Test. Hand in Giver Books.
LA Tuesday: Giving Thanks Writing.

Soc. Studies Monday: Focus on the Virginia and New Jersey Plans and the Great Compromise.

Soc. Studies Tuesday: Watching the Constitutional Convention video.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Gone Hunting (LA and SS Plans)

Just a quick post this week. I will be gone hunting the beginning of the week... hopefully I return with a big buck.

In Social Studies students will begin the week with vocabulary and introductory studies to our young nation. Expect some homework (possibility students finish work in class)

In Language Arts students will have the Word Study 7 Lessons and review for our Giver test. Test is Friday. Expect homework during the week.(possibility students finish work in class)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New SS Test Date

Parents, I informed the students that we will be having the Chpt.7, American Revolution Test on Friday, not Thursday as originally planned. I am delaying the test one day to allow more review and preparation time. Students just received the review today (Wed.) and it is due for completion tomorrow when they come to class. We will go over the correct answers in class and students should continue to study Thursday night for Friday's test.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

LA Plans for Week of Nov. 7th

Monday: D.O.L. Word Study 6 Pretest and Homework (Hwk. due Tues). Discuss Giver Chpts. 15 & 16 and read Chpt. 17

Tuesday: D.O.L. Check Hwk. Read Giver Chpts. 18-19 Hwk: Giver Chpts. 18/19 Summary.

Wednesday: D.O.L. Word Study 6 Final. End of Giver Predictions

Thursday and Friday: Conclude The Giver

Friday, November 4, 2011

SS Plans For Week of Nov. 7th

Monday: Check and go over weekend homework about Thomas Paine's "Crisis" web address attached: Also, review final days of Amer. Revolution

Tuesday: American Revolution mapwork

Wednesday: American Revolution (Chpt. 7) Test Review. Review available on this blog. Homework: Study 4 Test (Test Thursday)

Thursday: American Revolution Test

Friday: American Revolution video

Sunday, October 30, 2011

SS Plans For Halloween Week

Monday: Happy Halloween! Check Chapter 7 Vocab. Play, "I have, who has". Investigate Revolution.

Tuesday: Chapter 7 Reading Notes assigned and due tomorrow.

Wednesday: Check Reading Notes. Mapwork of American Revolution

Thursday and Friday: Key Victories and Final Days of War.

LA Plans for Halloween Week

Monday: Happy Halloween! DOL. Word Study 5 Pretest. Halloween Crosswords/MadLibs

Tuesday: DOL. Literacy Reactions Classroom Work For The Giver. Homework: Word Study 5 Word Charts and Definitions

Wednesday: DOL. Word Study 5 Final. Giver Chapter 13&14 Questions.

Thursday: DOL. Read Giver Chapters 15&16 and complete Giver Vocab. Crossword

Friday: DOL. Open Book Quiz on Giver Chpts. 1-13

Sunday, October 23, 2011

LA Plans For the Week of Oct. 24th

Monday: D.O.L. Writing lesson: Description in writing using the senses (work turned in Tuesday.

Tuesday: Writing with description and detail. Students complete writing assignment to be included in student's conference folders.

Wed: Student led conference folders preparations.

Thursday: D.O.L. Giver classwork.

Friday: To be determined (pertaining to Giver and writing classwork)

Homework to be assigned during the week.

Student Led Conferences are this Thursday night (27th) from 4:30-7:00 and next Tuesday Nov. 1st at the same time. Please plan on attending whichever evening works best for you. I look forward to seeing you there.

SS Plans For Week of Oct. 24th

Monday: American Revolution "early days/battles" video from the History Channel.

Tuesday: Introduction to Chpt 7 The American Revolution. Hwk. Chpt. 7 Vocab. due Wed.

Wednesday: Student led conference folder preparations.

Thursday: American Revolution chapter investigation. Hwk. Chpt. 7 Reading Notes due Friday (amount to be determined)

Friday: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Americans and British.

Student Led Conferences are this Thursday night (27th) from 4:30-7:00 and next Tuesday Nov. 1st at the same time. Please plan on attending whichever evening works best for you. I look forward to seeing you there.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

If I Had a Hammer!

If I had a hammer.....I'd put it into our "Toole Box"! I am hopeful that all families received the communication/letter about the advisory theme baskets to be auctioned off at our student-led conferences. Mrs. Toole's and my advisory are joining efforts to create and auction our "TooleBox". Thank you to those who have already sent in their donations. We are still in need of filling our "Toole Box" with gift cards, tools, tape, and supplies. If you are willing and able to contribute to this basket (even if your student is not in our advisory) please have your items to Mrs. Toole's or my classroom by this Friday, Oct. 21st.

Friday, October 14, 2011

LA Plans for Week of Oct 17th

Monday: D.O.L. Word Study 4 Pretest. Discuss the Giver (students should have read through Chpt. 10 by today). Homework: Word Study 4 definitions and Read The Giver Chpts 11-12.

Tuesday: MEAP. No LA classes this day.

Wednesday: MEAP. Adjusted schedule. D.O.L. Check Monday's Word Study Homework. Hwk: students must complete their Giver drawing and study for Word Study 4 Final.

Thursday: D.O.L. Word Study 4 Final. Check Hwk.

Friday: D.O.L. Students predict the ending to The Giver.

SS Plans for the Week of Oct 17

Monday: Check and go over Declaration of Independence HWK. (assigned in class Friday)

Tuesday: MEAP. Adjusted schedule. Chpt 6. Reading Notes classwork and homework due Thursday

Wednesday: MEAP. Adjusted schedule No SS classes today.

Thursday: Declaration of Independence Review ( 4 quiz)

Friday: Declaration of Independence Quiz

Sunday, October 9, 2011

SS Plans for Week of Oct 10

Monday- Check and go over Chpt 6 Vocab. Declaration of Independence reading work

Tuesday- Read the Declaration of Independence and kids put it into their own understanding words.

Wed.-Adjusted schedule due to the MEAP. No SS classwork today.

Thursday and Friday- Chapter 6 Reading Notework.

Homework yet to be determined. (probably assigned Wed. or Thursday)

LA Plans Week of Oct. 10th

MON - Read Chapter 4 in The Giver. Write answers to check-up questions in complete sentences. Questions are due tomorrow.

TUES - Abbreviated Schedule because of MEAP No LA classwork this day.

WED- Abbreviated Schedule because of MEAP - 6th and 8th hours only will meet.
Work on word study chart for vocabulary for Chap. 4 in The Giver. Read Chp. 5.Do sticky note activity for Chp. 5 .

THURS - Correct, discuss, and collect word study chart for Chp. 4 and Giver Chp. 5. Do 3-2-1 activity.

FRI - Sustained Silent Reading and reflection /summary

Sunday, October 2, 2011

LA Week of Oct. 3rd

Monday: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Toole:) D.O.L. Check Chapter 2 The Giver Post It Notes Hwk. Word Study 3 Pretest. Homework: Word Study 3 Definitions.

Tuesday: D.O.L. Chapter 3 The Giver. Homework: Giver assignment (TBD) and study for Word Study 3 Final.

Wednesday: D.O.L. Word Study 3 Final Test. Go Over Chapter 3 of The Giver

Thursday: 8th Grade Unity Games Celebrations!

Friday: D.O.L. Unity Games Reflection Writing and D.E.A.R

SS. Week of Oct. 3rd

Monday: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Toole:) Review for Road to Revolution Test. Hwk. Study 4 Tuesday's Test. Review is available on blog.

Tuesday: Chapter 5 Road to Revolution Test

Wednesday: Preview Chapter 6. Homework: Chpt. 6 Vocab. definitions due Friday.

Thursday: 8th Grade Unity Games Celebration!

Friday: Check Vocab. and Begin Chpt 6 Reading Notes (possibly watch President Obama's speech to students)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Spirit Week Next Week!

Its time for some fun at the middle school next week!
Monday, October 3rd is our 1st day of Spirit Week. Kids can dress like a slob that day. Tuesday is wacky hair day. Wed is wear, bring or be a stuffed animal day. Thursday is Unity Games Day for 8th grade. (more details coming later about this awesome day). Friday is Spartan spirit day (blue and white please). The week should be a blast.

In Social Studies, students will have their 1st test on Tuesday.
In L.Arts, students are beginning our class Novel, The Giver.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Social Studies Plans For Week of Sept. 26th

Monday: No school 4 kids. Teacher Professional Development Day.

Tuesday: Current Events Day. Students share and discuss current events homework articles.

Wednesday: Finish going over Chpt. 5 reading notes and assign Chpt. 5 Colonial Tax Chart (Due Friday at beginning of hour)

Thursday: Work on Colonial Tax Chart. (Due Friday)

Friday: Check Colonial Tax Chart and Watch video on "the quarrel deepens" (colonists become so angered with Britain and its laws that they move towards independence)

Pre-Revolutionary War (Chpt. 5) Test next week

Language Arts Plans For Week of Sept. 26th

Monday: Professional Development Day For Teachers: No School 4 Kids

Tuesday: Genre Quiz Review

Wednesday: Genre Quiz/Anticipatory Set For The Giver

Thursday: Assign Class Book, The Giver. Assignment: Read Chpt. 1 and Answer Comprehension Questions.

Friday: The Giver. Assignment: Read Chpt. 2 and Complete Sticky Note Activity (Label passage that you can visualize, one that reminds you of another experience, and one that you have a question about).

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Social Studies Update

I was home sick yesterday (Wed.) as a result, the current events homework was assigned today and will be due next Tuesday. Reminder: No school for students Monday.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

L.A. Schedule for the Week of Sept. 19th

Monday: DOL and Word Study 2 PreTest.
Homework: Word Study definitions due Tues.

Tuesday: DOL, Build Social Contract, Check Word Study HWK.
Homework: Study for Word Study Test

Wednesday: DOL, Word Study Final Test, Genre instruction

Thursday: DOL, Genre Continue Genre Instruction

Friday: DOL, D.E.A.R (Drop everything and read)

Social Studies Plans for the Week of Sept.19th

Monday and Tuesday students will be learning about the French and Indian War and watching a video produced by the History Channel. Tuesday we will build our Social Contracts in class.
Wednesday students will conclude their lessons on the French and Indian War.

Homework over these 3 days is for students to continue reading Chpt5. and complete their study notes from sections 5.4-5.7. This homework is due at the beginning of the hour Thursday.

Thursday we will go over the study notes and students can add valuable information to this study guide.

Homework assignment for Thursday night is to have students print or cut out an interesting community, city, state or national news article. This article should be from this past week. Selected students will share their articles in class on Friday. (so they should know what it is about and be able to discuss the article in class) Students may complete this homework assignment anytime during the week. It is due Friday.

Friday we will be talking about current events in class.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Getting Going

Parents and students, thank you for all your support and hard work as we are getting things going here at SMS. A lot of time and energy have been spent by all and I hope we are all recognizing the benefits. Please allow me to compliment the efforts of my students. Their participation, respect and attention has been great. I am very pleased with the start of this year! Some students are still struggling with daily preparations (materials for class and homework completion) but we will continue to work on those things. I appreciate your help with that. Some grades have been inputed in social studies classes already and I am still in the process of adding some grades into for my LA classes. The remainder of these LA grades will appear on powerschool sometime early next week. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Have a Great Weekend!
" looks good on you!"

Friday, September 9, 2011

SS Schedule for Week of Sept. 12th

Monday: Remembering 9/11

Tuesday: Formal intro. to Chpt.5 (Toward Independence) Introduce critical vocab. Homework: Chpt 5. vocab. due Thrs.

Wed: French and Indian War

Thrs: Check Chpt. 5 vocab. and Toward Independence continues

Fri: Constitution Day!

LA Schedule for Week of Sept. 12th

Monday: DOL and Word Study PreTest. Homework: Word Study definitions due Tues.

Tuesday: DOL, Check Word Study HWK. Introduce instructed genres (Science Fiction, Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction) with children's books. Homework: Study for Word Study Test

Wednesday: DOL, Word Study Final Test, Genre instruction

Thursday: DOL, Genre foldable resource

Friday: DOL, Finish foldable and review genres, D.E.A.R (Drop everything and read)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Great 1st Day!

What an awesome first day! The students are great. I will be posting more specific classroom information later in the week. I just wanted to take a moment and tell you all that we had a great day. I hope the students will echo that remark.

-Mr. Toole
"If your boat hasn't sailed in....start swimming towards it"

Monday, August 29, 2011

Welcome 8th Grade Students and Parents!

I would like to personally welcome all students, parents, and other blog followers to this valuable communication and classroom resource. I am very blessed and excited to have the opportunity to work with you. It is my goal that all students and parents benefit from the updates and use of this classroom blog. Please check it regularly as it will usually be updated twice each week.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Schools Out 4 Summer!

Ok... so it is almost Out! First thing is 8th Grade Recognition tomorrow night (Tues. 7th) Students should arrive early, between 6:30-6:45. The recognition ceremony begins at 7pm. Cake, punch and dance immediately follows for the students. Parents should pick up their kids when the dance ends at 10pm.


The students this year have been fantastic! I appreciate all your efforts this year. Please have a wonderful and safe summer.

Mr. Toole
"Savor Every Day!"

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!


I hope you took time to celebrate the Freedoms granted to us by the efforts of our ancestors and military personnel. I can assure you that I enjoyed the holiday and took time to remember, pray and give thanks for our military and those that paid the ultimate sacrifice while serving.

God Bless America!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Things Are Getting Busy!

Wow! The time continues to speed up and fly by!
Students are getting excited for the summer fun. I will gladly admit that I am looking forward to it as well.

I would like to go on record again as saying, "I have such a great group of kids". Thank you parents and students. I have really enjoyed sharing this learning experience with the students.

We still have a good deal of work to do between now and the end of the year. Students are actively investigating the Civil War.

PS....homework was given for tonight. (May 23rd) It is due Tuesday.

-Mr. Toole
"Celebrate Even The Small Victories"

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chapter 20 Test and Extra Day for Play

First the good news. (for the students that is) No school for students this Friday 20th. It is a scheduled teacher development day. Enjoy the long weekend and extra day to play.

Secondly, the school news. Reminder....Chapter 20 Test is tomorrow, Thursday the 19th. Please study and strive for success.

Mr. Toole
"The best preparation for tomorrow is the right use of today"

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

To Compromise Or Not

In class our current studies are that of our "Compromising Nation" in the mid-1800's. Key topics of discussion are the Missouri Compromise, The Compromise of 1850, the Kansas-Nebraska Act and The Dred Scott Decision. The chapter in the textbook that covers these issues is chpt. 20. The test over Chpt. 20 will be next week on Wed. or Thursday (18/19th)

-Mr Toole
"When the going gets do you get going?"

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Chpt. 18 An Era of Reform Quiz Monday, May 2nd

Just putting out a reminder to students and parents that our Chpt. 18 (An Era of Reform) Quiz will be Monday, May 2nd. We are preparing all week in class for this quiz. Review questions were given out on Wednesday, 27th.

-Mr. Toole
"April Showers are bringing May Flowers and Huge Puddles"

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Easter

Have a wonderful Easter Break. I hope you have a Good Friday off and a Happy Easter weekend. Make sure if you have grade concerns, you see me Monday morning in Advisory class.

"The early bird gets the worm, but the first mouse gets the trap"

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Break!

Here it is.....Spring Break! 2 more days and you all get to spring into a long break from school. For those students who are doing well....enjoy your time away from school. For those of you who aren't doing well... remember that you are allowed to complete missing work if your grade is below a 70%.

Have an awesome and safe Spring Break!

-Mr. Toole
"Attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference".

Monday, March 21, 2011

Busy Week

Spring has sprung and things are getting hopping around here! Students just took their Chapter 14 Open Note Quiz today. Lets hope the results are great!

On Wednesday, the high school counselors come to the middle school to present materials to the 8th graders about their 9th grade core classes and encore selections. Students will have a detailed packet to bring home and share with the parents about high school scheduling. 8th graders will then tour the high school on Thursday during school hours. On Friday, the counselors return to the middle school to assist the 8th graders in selecting their class schedule for next year.

Meanwhile...Thursday is the beginning of our Annual Sparty Cup Competition. Thursday's theme is Ugly Sweater Day and Friday is Decade Dress Up Day. Remember, every participant scores a point for his/her grade level.

This week both girls and boys track start practice, and I am sure other spring sports are getting started as well.

Whew....that's a lot. Parents, as you will be an important week to be checking in and helping your child. Let me know if I can help you with any of the listed details.

- Mr. Toole
"There usually isn't a giant step that does it. It’s usually a lot of little steps."

Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

May the Luck of the Irish be with you!
And may you be prepared for Monday's Chpt. 14 Quiz
Remember to study/prepare over the weekend!

Mr. Toole
"When the going gets tough...I hope you get going".

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Orange You Glad We're Bully Free?

Today the middle school celebrated an Anti-Bullying day! The idea and day was organized and encouraged by some of our student leaders! Great job kids:)
8th grade students were encouraged to wear Orange today supporting our Anti-Bullying statement "Orange you glad we're bully free?!"

Have a Great Weekend!

-Mr. Toole
"Friends are like the buttons on an elevator, they will either take you up or down."

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The End is Near (End of the 2nd Trimester)

The End is Near....The End is Near....The End is Near!!!!!
The End of the 2nd Trimester that is!!! The last day of the second trimester is next Friday, March 11th. Please do your best to maintain your good grades and raise the lower ones.

-Mr. Toole
"Not everyone can finish first...but everyone can finish strong!"

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chapter 11 Open Note Quiz

This week has been shortened as a result of 2 more snow days. Hope you are having (had) fun! We will have an open note Chpt. 11 Quiz this week Thursday. It will focus on the differences between the political views of the Federalists and Republican political parties and the personal views of A.Hamilton and T.Jefferson.
Students may use their reading notes, any class work, the double bubble compare and contrast notes (to be completed Wed.) and any other notes they take on Chpt. 11.

-Mr. Toole
"If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there might be a shortage of fishing poles."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Political Developments in the Early Republic

In class our studies currently include Chapter 11 and the early political developments of the United States. We will focus on our First President George Washington and the division of early political beliefs lead by Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson.

-Mr. Toole
"If life gives you lemons.... sell them and buy something you like!"

Friday, February 11, 2011

Way to Go!

Awesome Job Rockstar Students!
Way to Rock on the Bill Of Rights Quiz! Awesome scores!
I was glad to see and talk to so many students and parents at conferences. Thanks for attending.

Have an Awesome weekend!

Mr. Toole
"When in doubt....Rock it out!"

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Student Led Conferences and Bill of Rights Quiz

Just a quick post to remind students and parents about tonight's and Thursday's student led confernces. They are from 4:30-7 pm on both nights and will be held in Mr. Putnam's room (Rm.49). I look forward to seeing all of you there. Also, our Bill of Rights Quiz is scheduled for this Thursday. Take home reviews are available for the students and will be handed out in class on Wed. We began our review in class on Monday and will continue to actively prepare for this quiz.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blizzard 2011

Hope you enjoyed your Blizzard 0f 2011 Snowdays! Here is a picture of Isaac and Avery having a blast on their day off! I have decided to offer a Blizzard of 2011 Bonus to all my Blog followers. This is my way of thanking all students and parents who monitor and follow the blog. All you have to do is print off the Blizzard of 2011 snowflake (just click on the link next to this posting) and bring it in filled out by Monday February 7th for a FREE HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT PASS! Not only did you get a couple of days off....but why not take advantage of an assignment off as well.
Disclaimer: Blizzard 2011 offer expires at 3:25pm February 7th, 2011. Not valid with other discounts or offers. Maximum value of free assignment not to exceed 10 points. No photocopies or duplicates please. One Blizzard 2011 offer redeemable per student.


"Every mile seems three in winter"

Friday, January 28, 2011

Progress Reports and Conferences

Parents, progress reports and the monthly newsletter were sent home with your children today. If you are interested in a more specific report on your students grades, you can access the powerschool grading program at
Also, there will be an opportunity to discuss this at Student-led Conferences next week on Tuesday Feb.1st and Thursday Feb.3rd from 4:30-7:00. I look forward to seeing you all there!
Please try to help keeping your child on track with their homework. Unfortunately, I have witnessed many grades slipping as a result of lack of homework completion. I really enjoy having your children in class and I would like to see them all become successful!

Mr. Toole
"Children need our presence more than they need our presents"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chapter 9 Test Rescheduled for Monday

Oh hey.... don't forget that the Chapter 9 Test is rescheduled for this coming Monday, January 24th. Please make sure to study over your long weekend! If needed: An extra copy of the review is available as a link next to this posting.

-Mr. Toole
"Wisdom is the reward you get from a lifetime of listening"

Monday, January 17, 2011

Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

Today we began our classes by recognizing the awesome influence of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Students learned of his fight/influence for equal rights and his focus on serving others for the common good. It was a valuable lesson for us all.

Just a reminder.... there is a test scheduled for Wednesday. Students recieved their test review today in class. The questions were explained and questions were answered. Students are required to complete the reivew for tonight's homework. I will go over the correct answers in class tomorrow and continue to help the kids prepare for the Wednesday's test. Please make sure they are studying for this test.

Thanks for all your support!

Mr. Toole
"There is always room at the top"

Friday, January 14, 2011

Weekend Update

Just want to post a quick note to inform/remind you all about our upcoming Social Studies Chapter 9 Test. It is scheduled for next week Wednesday the 19th. I have posted a link to the review under the "Assignments Copies/Links" section. Students have been doing a great job studying Civics and our Constitution! Feel free to use the online civics investigations for a at home review.

Have a Fantastic Friday and a Wonderful Weekend!

"Success comes in cans...Failure comes in cant's"

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Civics/Constitution Online Investigation Day 2

Day #2: Individual Constitution Investigation and Quizzes

During class time, students are only allowed on the listed sites below. Failure to follow this instruction will result in a zero score, loss of computer use and an after-school detention.

Please keep in mind, ALL Interactive Civic Sites are extremely valuable in gathering knowledge about our government for today's class, our unit test review and the future.

Step One: Take time to tour this online and interactive resource .

Step Two: Read Sections from the Preamble through Amendments 11-27. After each section, take the online quiz found under the quiz menu tab. Good luck and aim for a perfect score on each quiz!

Step Three: Explore these valuable online Constitution resources.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Civics Online Investigation

Students and Parents, this posting is for today's online civics investigation. Students should follow the steps outlined to complete today's classwork. This will also serve as a valuable review for next weeks Constitution/Civics Test.

Interactive Online Civics Investigation
Day One. Investigation and Challenge

Students are only allowed on the listed sites below. Failure to follow this instruction will result in a zero score, loss of computer use and an after-school detention.

Read 3 Branches of Our Government (Found at site below):

Challenge 1: Compete against the computer or the person next to you. Record scores on the challenge 1 records sheet when finished.

Challenge 2: Access the following
Log onto the first link and then open another tab fro the second and 3rd links to find the answers needed.

Challenge 3: Try to get all these Constitution Questions answered correctly:

Any extra time…..explore freely here! Or any of the other sites used today.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

United States Constitution

Students are actively investigating The United States Constitution.
I anticipate the Chpt.9/Constitution Test to be scheduled for Jan. 19th

All students will receive a current grade update written and signed by me in their planners tomorrow, Jan. 7th. Many students are doing fantastically well and they should be complimented, unfortunately some are not doing so well. Those that are not doing well are invited to stay in with me at lunch tomorrow (Fri) and recieve an extra opportunity to make up some missing work and improve their grade.

A reminder, as shared with parents and students in the beginning of the year, students who have an overall grade less than 70% may complete and turn in missing work for a reduced/late grade.

Just a quick heads up..... No school for students this month Jan. 20th & 21st. Also, Student-led conferences are the first week of February. More details will be posted as the dates approach.

Mr. Toole
"Busyness does not always equal productiveness"