Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Online Civics Investigation

Students and Parents, this posting is for Thursday's online civics investigation. Students should follow the steps outlined to complete the assigned classwork. This will also serve as a valuable review for our Constitution/Civics Test.

Interactive Online Civics Investigation
Day One. Investigation and Challenge

Students are only allowed on the listed sites below. Failure to follow this instruction will result in a zero score, loss of computer use and an after-school detention.

Read 3 Branches of Our Government (Found at site below):

Challenge 1: Compete against the computer or the person next to you. Record scores on the challenge 1 records sheet when finished.

Challenge 2: Access the following
Log onto the first link and then open another tab for the second and 3rd links to find the answers needed.

Challenge 3: Try to get all these Constitution Questions answered correctly:

Any extra time…..explore freely here! Or any of the other sites used today.

Students should make sure to answer the assigned classwork as they travel through this online investigation. The completed work needs to be turned in at the end of the hour.

Also!!!!!! If students have their own headphones, please bring those to class tomorrow, Friday, Dec. 9th. Students will be able to listen to some of the planned online investigation for Friday.

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