Monday, May 14, 2012

LA and SS Plans for Week of May 14th

The sun is shining and the days are becoming long...and our days left here in school are quickly coming to an end. I hope that my efforts, partnered with yours, will benefit all students and help them end this school year on a successful note. LA Plans: We just took the Novel Test from the book Soldier's Heart. Students are actively reading "Bull Run" in the classroom. There will be limited homework this week. Students will take their second round of Discovery Ed. Testing in class on Tuesday. SS Plans: Students finished Chapter 20 and took the test. We are now studying the Civil War. Students will be completing a reading note packet as we use the book for a source of information. We will investigate strengths and weaknesses of each side, major battles, and changes throughout the Civil War. Homework will be assigned Tuesday night (vocab.) Possibly another assignment later in the week. Enjoy the beautiful week! -Mr. Toole "When the sun smiles upon back"

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