Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I hope all of you have had a blessed holiday and are enjoying the winter vacation. Please take time to relax, have fun, and don't forget to enjoy reading a nice book over break.

Also.....here is your extra credit present. This online learning experience will provide some review and preview information for our upcoming Constitution studies.

Please click on the link next to this posting or copy and paste it in your browser.
Make sure to read all pages and completely answer the questions on pgs. 2, 4, 5, 7 &15a.
Work should be completed accurately and turned in when we return from break.

Extra credit site listed below.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

2nd Trimester Begins

One third of the school year has already passed. Wow! I can't believe it and I bet most of you can't either. Turkey leftovers are long gone and families are hustling around trying to juggle schedules, priorities, and find the best deals on this year's best gifts. Please don't forget the gift of time. Time is a gift we can all give and it doesn't cost us a penny. Give yourself, your children, your friends and family the gift of time. Time together. Whether your child will say it or not...It is a gift that means so much.

This Friday, Dec. 10th, reports cards are sent home with your children. Please review these with your child and then sign the report card envelope and send it back to school on Monday. Please have all envelopes returned to their advisory teacher by Dec. 15th.

We began our new (2nd) Trimester on Monday. I will be inputting our first scores today. All students have a fresh and hopefully positive start.

I am fortunate to have your children in class. They are a great group!

Mr. Toole
"You Can't Make Snow Angels Sitting Inside"

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

A Happy Thanksgiving to all you Turkeys! I hope the holiday break provides you with ample time to celebrate and give thanks with your family and friends. I am very thankful and fortunate to be your teacher. You 'turkeys' (a.k.a students) are great.

If anyone is interested in extra credit, it is available on the link next to this post. It is due in final form when you return on the 29th.

Enjoy your break! and Go Lions:)


"A drowning turkey doesn't complain about the size of the life preserver"

Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy Hunting!

Good luck and safe shooting to all our hunters out there!
I will be trying my best to bag a Big Buck as well!!!!!

There was a fantastic turnout for student led conferences on Tuesday and Thursday! It was great to see most of of our students and parents.

Students just took the Chpt. 7 Test on the American Revolution and our studies will lead us to the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution.

"The best preparation for tomorrow is the right use of today"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Student Led Conferences and Chpt 7 Test

Parents and students,

It was great to see many of you at student led conferences Tuesday night. I enjoyed speaking with many of you. If you were in attendance and I was unable to talk with and you wanted to touch base or ask me any questions, feel free to email me at bob.toole@staff.spartaschools.org. For those of you who have not attended conferences, we have them scheduled Thursday (11th) night as well from 4:30-7:00pm. I hope to see you there!

Our chapter 7 Test is scheduled for this Friday. Students received their review on Tuesday and we covered it in class today. They should have the review questions answered for class tomorrow. In class we will go over the correct responses and review more as a class to prepare for Friday's test. Ask your student how they/you can earn an extra 5% on the test.

Some of the review questions are listed below.

1. Why did African Americans join the Continental Army?

2. Americans proved that they were able to beat the British army at which two significant battles? (How did they win?)

3. Explain Washington’s military strategy later in the war.

4. Who became a major ally of the Americans during the war?(why?)
*Which battle did that ally help the Americans win? (How?)

5. What type of warfare was fought by the Americans in the South?
*Why was that effective?

6. What was the name of the treaty at the end of the war?

7. Who won the war?

8. Explain what the winner got in the treaty. (details of treaty)

9. What was the name of the pamphlets (2) written by Thomas Paine before and during the war?
* What was the purpose of these pamphlets?

10. Rewrite this quote in your own words: “These are the times that try men’s souls.” (look up online if needed)

11. Make a list of the American army’s strengths and weaknesses and the British army’s strengths and weaknesses.

12. Answer the Geography Challenge questions on pg. 99

Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween to all the Trick Or Treaters out there! Remember to have fun and be safe....Oh yeah, and Mr. Toole likes the good chocolate Treats!

On a school related note, We are studying the American Revolution. Students have investigated the strengths and weaknesses of the Americans and British armies and will direct their focus on the major battles and leaders of the war. No homework for the weekend.

Hope all students enjoyed the Alpha Beta Breather today! A reminder to students and parents, If you have items to contribute to the advisory baskets, please bring them in ASAP.

Enjoy the weekend!

Mr. Toole
"Don't forget to put your mind in gear, before you put your mouth in motion"

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Have You Heard?

Have you heard about the 8th Grade Unity Games that were celebrated this fall? It was an awesome day to unite and celebrate with the 8th grade students! If you haven't heard too much about how the day went....your child can fill you in with the details. Here are some pics I have from the day. (Most are pics of my advisory since I was with them for the entire day) Pictured below is the winning Artist for the Unity Games shirt design. Great job Abbie!

Special thanks to all the parent volunteers! Your help was definitely needed and appreciated. Thank You!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Happy Friday! + Progress Reports

Happy Friday to everyone!
Please make sure to enjoy the beautiful fall colors and sunny skies this weekend!

Students have a Road to Revolution paper to complete for Monday. We worked on this in class yesterday and today. (This is a practice paper. It does not need to be an essay in final form)

Progress reports were sent home today. Please sign the envelope to indicate you saw and discussed it with your child and return it to school on Monday. Please email me if you have any questions.

We are beginning our studies on the Revolutionary War. Kids are doing a great job! I hope they are enjoying the year!


"Worry or not....the outcome is the same"

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chapter 5 Test on Thursday

Here is a copy of the Test Review that was given to the students on Tuesday. We have spent the last two days in class reviewing and I am hopeful that if they continue to prepare/study, they will do well.

Students should utilize the following chapter resources to prepare for their test:

1. Chapter 5 Reading Notes

2. Colonial Tax Chart

3. Understand the following critical vocabulary: rights, Magna Carta, parliament, English Bill of Rights, petition, The First Great Awakening, patriots, loyalists, tyranny, repeal, massacre, quarters, Sons of Liberty, minutemen, boycott, monopoly, allies, lobster backs, debt, retreat, intolerable.

4. Book pgs. 63-77

5. This Test Review

Students should also be knowledgeable on the following:
• Describe the details of the Townshend Acts, Tea Acts, Intolerable Acts,
and the Boston Massacre.
• What were the Americans most upset about with the Stamp Act?
• Why was the Proclamation of 1763 seen by the colonists as an act tyranny?
• Describe the effects/outcomes of the French and Indian War.
• What did the clashes/battles of Lexington and Concord prove?

ps....don't forget the extra 5% opportunity! Your child should be able to explain this to you.

Good luck on your first test! I am sure you can do great!

"Live a good and honorable life"

Friday, September 24, 2010

Quick Week Wrap Up

Just a quick note to parents. Several assignment grades were taken this week. Please check Powerschool for an accurate score for your child in Soc. Studies. The Chapter 5 Reading Notes packet is due Tuesday. (No more classtime will be given to work on it)

Next week is Spirit Week! Monday, is Wacky Hair Day. Tuesday is Sportswear day. Wednesday is our 8th Grade Unity Games! Thursday is dress like a staff member day. Friday is Sparta Spirit Wear (Blue and White) Day!

Looking forward to all the fun!

Mr. Toole
"Real friends are those that, when you've made a fool of yourself, they don't feel you've done a permanent job"

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week of September 20th

Our week's focus will be from Chapter 5 and the colonists steps leading toward independence from Britain. Students began working on a Chapter 5 Reading Guide in class today. This guide will be worked on throughout the week. Please expect homework on Tuesday and Thursday night of this week.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week #1 Review and American Revolution Unit Outlook

Awesome 1st Week! Things should start to settle down and we are catching up in stride. What a busy first week. WheW!! Hopefully you and your family have caught your breath and adjusted to school life.

Social studies classes began with a brief review of the topics and events that will be studied in class. Our beginning unit will investigate the events leading to the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution. Upon unit completion, students should be able to describe how the colonists rights and freedoms were limited by the British government, state that the colonists wrote the Declaration of Independence to tell the world why they should be free and explain the consequences of the American Revolution.

Students have mapwork coming home tonight for homework that is due tomorrow (Tues).
Homework will also be assigned one more night this week (TBD)

Ask your child about the cyber-bullying assembly we had today. It was quite powerful.

"Although the tea kettle is up to its neck in hot water, it still continues to sing"!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day Success!

Thanks students for a fantastic first day! What a great group of kids! Parents please be aware, there will be a decent amount of paperwork brought home to sign this week. Please make time to read the material with your child and return to the appropriate ones to school. So far, the student handbook, 8th grade curriculum handbook, encore handbook and student information data sheet should have been brought home. These were handed out in Advisory at the end of the day today. I will hand out the Social Studies Classroom Syllabus to students tomorrow and these should be brought home and signed. This syllabus is also available on this blog. The papers requiring signatures should be returned by this Friday, the 10th.

Thanks a lot.

Mr. Toole
"Even though the grass may be greener, it still has to be mowed".

Monday, August 30, 2010

Copy of 2010 Syllabus

Mr. Toole’s Syllabus for Eighth Grade Social Studies

My goal is to provide a caring and safe environment where your child can grow academically and socially. I will work along with each student to help them succeed.

It is my expectation that all students will take an active role in their education and work hard to get good grades and become a lifelong learner. I believe all students are capable of success in my social studies class given they put forth a good faith effort.

I have created a classroom blog. This is a classroom resource website. You can access it at: mrtoole2010.blogspot.com. The blog shares with students and parents the current studies, resources, test reviews and happenings in my social studies classes. I encourage all students and parents to utilize this valuable resource. I will add to the blog as the school year progresses. Throughout the year, if you have questions or concerns, I am easily accessible via email communication. My email address is: bob.toole@staff.spartaschools.org.

· Come to class every day prepared with a social studies notebook, planner
and the assigned History Alive Textbook.
· Pencils for daily work as well as for tests and quizzes.
· Colored pencils may be needed to complete certain assignments (these are
available in class as well).
· Be on time to class
· Be in your assigned seat when class begins
· Be prepared with materials and a sharpened pencil when Mr. Toole is ready
to start teaching
Make-up work:
· Students are responsible for making arrangement to complete make up work
or assessments.
· When returning from an absence get materials from the absent folder and
fill in planner with assignments missed. Ask a friend and then Mr. Toole,
if necessary for clarification.
· Make up work must be completed within 1 day for each day absent unless
arrangements are made with Mr. Toole ahead of time. A zero will be
assigned to work not turned in within the timeframe.
Homework/Class work:
· All assigned work needs to be completed and turned in on time for a grade.
· Homework and class work turned in late will not be given a grade and score
will be recorded as a zero.
· Failure to complete and/or turn in assignments will negatively affect your
final grade in social studies
· Daily class work and homework are worth approximately 30% of the final
· Quizzes and tests are worth approximately 70% of the final grade

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Welcome to the start of the 2010-2011 school year and Mr. Toole's Classroom Blog!

The purpose for this blog is to provide the students, parents and other interested viewers a chance to access what is happening in our Sparta Middle School 8th Grade Social Studies Class and more. I am very excited for this school year. Welcome all of you! It is great to have so many awesome students in my classroom. A special welcome to our new Sparta students and families...you'll find this is a great place to be!

Students and parents are encouraged to use this blog as an online classroom resource. I would like to see this blog as a valuable tool and resource. Parents and students, if you need to contact me, I encourage you to email me at bob.toole@staff.spartaschools.org. I will check my emails regularly. This blog will include information on our unit of study, critical vocabulary, content big ideas, and essential questions. And of course, for those of you who already know me, I will also share information about my family and personal interests.

I am Looking Forward to an Awesome Year!

-Mr. Bob Toole
"Teach a Worm to Swim....Go Fishing!"