Friday, September 24, 2010

Quick Week Wrap Up

Just a quick note to parents. Several assignment grades were taken this week. Please check Powerschool for an accurate score for your child in Soc. Studies. The Chapter 5 Reading Notes packet is due Tuesday. (No more classtime will be given to work on it)

Next week is Spirit Week! Monday, is Wacky Hair Day. Tuesday is Sportswear day. Wednesday is our 8th Grade Unity Games! Thursday is dress like a staff member day. Friday is Sparta Spirit Wear (Blue and White) Day!

Looking forward to all the fun!

Mr. Toole
"Real friends are those that, when you've made a fool of yourself, they don't feel you've done a permanent job"

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week of September 20th

Our week's focus will be from Chapter 5 and the colonists steps leading toward independence from Britain. Students began working on a Chapter 5 Reading Guide in class today. This guide will be worked on throughout the week. Please expect homework on Tuesday and Thursday night of this week.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week #1 Review and American Revolution Unit Outlook

Awesome 1st Week! Things should start to settle down and we are catching up in stride. What a busy first week. WheW!! Hopefully you and your family have caught your breath and adjusted to school life.

Social studies classes began with a brief review of the topics and events that will be studied in class. Our beginning unit will investigate the events leading to the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution. Upon unit completion, students should be able to describe how the colonists rights and freedoms were limited by the British government, state that the colonists wrote the Declaration of Independence to tell the world why they should be free and explain the consequences of the American Revolution.

Students have mapwork coming home tonight for homework that is due tomorrow (Tues).
Homework will also be assigned one more night this week (TBD)

Ask your child about the cyber-bullying assembly we had today. It was quite powerful.

"Although the tea kettle is up to its neck in hot water, it still continues to sing"!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day Success!

Thanks students for a fantastic first day! What a great group of kids! Parents please be aware, there will be a decent amount of paperwork brought home to sign this week. Please make time to read the material with your child and return to the appropriate ones to school. So far, the student handbook, 8th grade curriculum handbook, encore handbook and student information data sheet should have been brought home. These were handed out in Advisory at the end of the day today. I will hand out the Social Studies Classroom Syllabus to students tomorrow and these should be brought home and signed. This syllabus is also available on this blog. The papers requiring signatures should be returned by this Friday, the 10th.

Thanks a lot.

Mr. Toole
"Even though the grass may be greener, it still has to be mowed".