Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Time To Take Some Political Action

Students and Parents,

Here's Your Homework: 2 Parts.

Part 1:
I encourage you to read the following article at Mlive:
(you will have to copy and paste the link to open it)

Part 2:
Contact our state officials and encourage them to make the education of our youth a top proirity in our state and support Michigan Plan 2020. Disclaimer: I do not know all the details of this plan, but I was encouraged by a plan that would remove some the special interest monies/credits and place it in the hands of our children and their continuing education. I shared the following with my students, "it can't hurt to have our elected leaders hear from their citizens (parents and students) and what we feel should be made a priority." Can you imagine if our state supported a $10,000/year grant for each graduating Michigan student? While you are at it, feel free to tell them to ear mark the remaining monies for k-12 education:)

The following names are those who you are encouraged to contact. (you will have to copy and paste the governor's link onto a new page to submit info./feedback to him)

73rd District State Rep. Peter MacGregor:

State Senator Mark Jansen:

State Governor Rick Snyder:,4668,7-277-57827-267869--,00.html

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